Wednesday, August 29, 2012

snapshots from the last few weeks

apples, peaches, and a cucumber!

peach muffins and tea
i love my apple master!


raspberry blackberry jam and peach butter
zucchini muffins, tea, and the quilt.
i woke at 4:15 that morning (not on purpose) and got two hours of sewing done. it is almost finished!

maple butter nut granola aka the best granola ever

my kind of breakfast
mixing, mixing, mixing

my new favorite book, fresh bread, and the now ever-present bowl of granola

bbq with friends in our backyard
goodness, pregnancy has turned me into a lazy blogger. i'm busy doing all sorts of things, but when i have time to sit at the computer i just can't seem to get off the couch and over there...

other things we've done that aren't pictured:

-homemade blackberry ice cream

-canned three quarts of peach pie filling

-zucchini fritters

-a dramatic birthday that i'll post about soon


  1. I have never tried peach muffins, but they look delicious! It's okay to be lazy, you are pregnant. Enjoy this special time!

    1. julia, you're right! laziness wins. i put a link to the peach muffin recipe in the caption if you want to try it. so yummy!

  2. Wow Cassie, all that cooking and preserving looks amazing! I have picked hundreds of blackberries that I will turn into jam soon mixed with windfall apples that I found on the ground. We don't get many peaches growing here, it's not warm enough, but your peach muffins and peach butter sound divine. What is peach butter? x
