Friday, October 21, 2016

Foggy Fall

My favorite view from our living room is of the distant trees in the top photo. The house across the street isn't much to look at but the trees just beyond its' roof are always worth a peek, especially if they're layered in morning fog.

My new evening ritual is to get in bed, knit (still working on Gianna's sweater), and watch old episodes of Gilmore Girls. It's a good routine. Cozy. Once the sweater is finished I'll switch to stitching all of the ornaments I've cut out for a new advent calendar.

A few months ago Vincent started listening to the Harry Potter books. He'd watched all of the movies but hadn't read the books. I was busy listening to other things, but have now joined in with him for book six, The Half-Blood Prince, and I'm really enjoying it. It's a great change of pace from all of the political podcasts and radio I'm also listening to. I read all of the books, but it has been years and its so nice to be in the world of Hogwarts again a bit each day.

I had a good morning today: packing lunches, getting the kids off to school, Boot Camp (so many jumping jacks!) and shopping for new athletic gear with a friend. Then came a call from preschool that Dean had a fever and could I pick him up? Now the weekends' plans of friends' birthday parties, a visit to the pumpkin patch, etc are on hold. Time to load up the slow cooker with bones and veggies for broth and settle in with a book.


  1. That sounds like my routine at the moment sitting in bed watching re runs and knitting x

  2. I really like the sound of your evening routine. Mine is similar but I sit in the living room, watch tv or listen to podcasts, and crochet. I hope Dean felt better quickly. x
